About Us

About Us
Founded in 2023, Mesa Top RF LLC is a small business that is focusing on advancing technology in the rapidly expanding RF field. The founder, David Schuette, has a master’s degree in electrical engineering with a focus in RF engineering. He has significant experience as an RF engineer working at multiple employers in the development of RF products. These products range from R&D to full volume production with contract manufacturing. R&D has enabled David to broaden his skillset by working on a wide variety of projects including Ku and Ka mobile SATCOM terminals, space-based sinuous antennas, ADS-B transponders, and much more. Leading these programs from concept to production allowed him to work with many other engineering disciplines to better optimize the overall size, weight, power, cost, and schedule. David has continuously been recognized by his employers, suppliers, and customers for his team building and rapid problem solving. He has worked on everything from commercial production systems to classified government hardware. David started Mesa Top RF with the desire to accelerate the development of his client’s cutting-edge RF technologies.